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                  主要产品包含:闸阀、球阀、截止阀、止回阀、水→力控制阀、电动气动控制阀、调节阀等,广泛应∑用于:给排水、暖通自控、消防喷淋、压缩空气、导热油、蒸汽㊣ 等管路系统,我们为工业、市政水务、公共建筑的流体控制提供全面的解决方案。


                  CKVAG ® Founded in December 2019 with a registered capital of 100 million yuan, Zhongke Valve Safety Machinery Co., Ltd., headquartered in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, is a joint-stock enterprise integrating product development, production and sales, and an international manufacturer of high-end valves and automatic control devices.

                  The main products include: gate valve, ball valve, globe valve, check valve, hydraulic control valve, electro pneumatic control valve, regulating valve, etc., which are widely used in: water supply and drainage, HVAC automatic control, fire sprinkler, compressed air, heat transfer oil, steam and other pipeline systems. We provide comprehensive solutions for fluid control of industry, municipal water affairs, public buildings.

                  CKVAG ® Adhering to the management concept of "focusing on high-end quality and building an eternal brand", Zhongke Valve Safety has long been committed to the R&D and innovation of valve and automatic control technology, continuously improving product quality and product reliability, providing reliable guarantee for customers to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction, and promoting green cycle and low-carbon development. We combine high-end quality, professional technology and high-quality service, and win a good reputation for CKVAG worldwide.



